edelweiss education

International Student Services in Switzerland

Studying abroad can be a thrilling yet challenging experience, especially when you’re far from home. Switzerland is known for its hospitality and commitment to ensuring international students have a seamless transition into Swiss academic life. To help you navigate your educational journey effectively, Swiss academic institutions offer a wide range of International Student Services. These services are designed to support you academically, socially, and personally throughout your time in Switzerland.

1. Pre-Arrival Support:

Before you even set foot in Switzerland, many universities and colleges provide valuable pre-arrival support, including:

  • Visa and Immigration Guidance: Assistance with the student visa application process and advice on residency permits.

  • Orientation Information: Comprehensive guides on what to expect when arriving in Switzerland, including information on accommodation, transportation, and local customs.

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a large building with a lot of trees in front of it

2. On-Campus Orientation:

Upon your arrival, most institutions organize orientation programs to help you settle into your new academic environment. These orientation sessions typically cover:

  • Campus Tour: Get acquainted with the campus facilities, classrooms, libraries, and recreational areas.

  • Academic Guidance: Learn about course registration, academic expectations, and university policies.

  • Social Activities: Meet other international and local students through welcome events, social gatherings, and cultural programs.


3. Academic Support:

Swiss academic institutions take pride in providing students with academic support services that include:

  • Academic Advising: Guidance on course selection, academic planning, and study strategies.

  • Tutoring: Access to peer tutoring or academic support centers to help you excel in your coursework.

  • Language Support: If you’re studying in a language that’s not your first, language assistance services can help you improve your proficiency.

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Collége et Lycée saint-Charles
Hochalpines Institut Ftan

4. Cultural and Social Integration:

Feeling at home and forming connections is essential for a successful study abroad experience. To facilitate this, institutions offer:

  • Cultural Exchange Programs: Opportunities to engage in cultural events, language exchange, and local activities.

  • Student Clubs and Organizations: Joining clubs or student organizations is a great way to make friends, explore your interests, and integrate into the campus community.

  • Mentorship Programs: Some universities pair incoming international students with mentors who can provide guidance and support.

5. Housing Assistance:

Finding suitable accommodation can be a challenge in a new country. Institutions often provide:

  • On-Campus Housing: Information and assistance in securing on-campus accommodation.

  • Off-Campus Resources: Guidance and resources to help you find off-campus housing that suits your preferences and budget.

four pillows on quilted white bed near blue door and window with white curtain inside well-lighted room
person in blue gloves and blue denim jeans

6. Health and Wellness Services:

Your well-being is a top priority. Student services often include:

  • Health Insurance Assistance: Guidance on navigating Switzerland’s healthcare system and ensuring you have the necessary health coverage.

  • Counseling Services: Access to mental health professionals who can provide support during challenging times.

7. Career Services:

Preparing for your future career is vital. Career services may include:

  • Job Search Assistance: Guidance on finding part-time jobs and internships while studying.

  • Career Workshops: Workshops on resume building, interview skills, and job market insights.

  • Alumni Networking: Opportunities to connect with former students who can offer career advice and mentorship.

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
two people holding up two passports in front of a building

8. Legal and Visa Support:

Navigating Swiss laws and regulations can be complex. International student services often provide:

  • Visa and Immigration Assistance: Help with visa extensions, residence permits, and legal matters related to your stay. Learn more…


Contact us for more information about Visa and Immigration for International Students

9. Language Support:

If you’re studying in a language that’s not your first, you can access:

unknown person writing on chalkboard
tuition fees

10. Financial Guidance:

Managing your finances in a new country is important. You can receive assistance with:

  • Budgeting: Tips and tools for managing your expenses while studying in Switzerland.

  • Scholarship Information: Guidance on available scholarships and how to apply for them.

  • Learn more…


These International Student Services aim to enhance your academic journey, provide a supportive community, and ensure that your time in Switzerland is as rewarding as possible. Make sure to explore these services offered by your specific institution and take advantage of the support available to you as an international student.